Do cats miss their owners when staying in a cattery?

Cat Grooming in Rotherham

Cats are often seen as independent creatures, leading many owners to wonder whether their feline companions miss them when they stay in a cattery. While cats may not exhibit the same level of attachment as dogs, they do form strong bonds with their human caregivers. So, do cats feel lonely or stressed when left in

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Can cats get kennel cough?

Cat Grooming in Dinnington

Kennel cough, primarily known as a highly contagious respiratory disease in dogs, has become a topic of concern for cat owners wondering about the potential risk to their feline companions. While the name “kennel cough” might suggest a canine-specific illness, the truth is that cats can indeed contract similar respiratory infections. Understanding the causes, symptoms,

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Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer With These 5 Tips [ Infographic ]

dog under umbrella

As temperatures rise during the summer months, keeping our furry friends cool and comfortable becomes a priority. Pets can suffer from heatstroke and dehydration just like humans, and it’s our responsibility to ensure they stay safe. Read on to find out how to keep your pet cool this summer with these 5 tips. Provide Plenty

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How to prepare for your kitten coming home

Kittens playing

Welcoming a kitten into your home can be an exciting moment. You can look forward to having lots of cuddles and fun with your new feline companion. However, before you can do this, you’ll need to take steps to ensure they feel safe and comfortable in their new environment. Here’s how to prepare for your

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How to prepare your cat for a cattery

Happy cat

Most cats find staying in a cattery to be a stressful experience. Since they are territorial animals, they tend to prefer to stay in their home environment. Even getting them into a carrier and driving them to the cattery can cause them great anxiety. However, sometimes putting your cat in a cattery is unavoidable, especially

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