Safe car travel with dogs
Travelling with your furry friend in the passenger seat can be great fun, but are they safe? We take great precautions when it comes to car crash safety features – that’s why there’s seat belts, air bags, head rests – but this was all tested with human dummies, not our extended pet-family! To ensure your journey with your best friend is fun and safe, Jaycliffe Pets have put together some tips…
The law – travelling with pets
Rule 57: When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars.

Keeping your dog restrained in the car
Even if your dog is used to being off the lead, it’s important to keep them secure at all times. The last thing you want is to put your pet’s life at risk, so here are some things you can do to to keep them safe and you, free-from fines and legal penalties.
- Seat belt pet harness – you can purchase these from pet shops or online. They come in all sizes for maximum comfort, regardless of what breed of dog you have, they can be adjusted to fit small dogs, like Westies and large dogs like Huskies. Just like us humans, seat belt pet harnesses prevent them from being ejected through the windshield in the event of an accident. The pet harness works just like our typical seatbelts, they absorb deceleration forces and help to reduce serious injuries. Dogs are also safe from the road when you open the door – even if they’re well trained – there’s still the chance they might bolt, straight into a busy road. Pet harnesses will keep them as safe as possible at all times.
- Pet carriers – not all pets enjoy a car journey, so if that’s the case for your best friend, a pet carrier is a great way to make them feel more secure. It provides them with warmth and comfort, pop in their favourite toy or blanket and they will feel more at home in their carrier. What’s more, there are grates on carriers, so your best friend will still be able to see that you’re near whilst driving in the car. Pet carriers will keep your dog well-contained when in the car and this will reduce any injuries, if an accident should ever occur.
- Dog cages – with more space than a dog carrier, dog cages are very similar – working to keep your pet restrained, whilst you’re busy driving, and will stop them from being thrown around in the back of the car. You might have the space to put their bed inside the cage during your journey, which will keep them calm and comfortable throughout the trip.
- Dog guard – creating boundaries in your car can prevent distractions and accidents whilst you drive with your furry friend. Dog guards are partitions that can be placed between your boot and the back seats. Here your pet will still be able to see you but they will be stopped from moving between the front and back seats.

Whether you’re taking a quick trip to the vet or driving to the other end of the country, be sure to take the right precautions to ensure your well-loved friend stays just as safe as you. For advice or to schedule your dog into our well-kept kennels, call our friendly experts today. We take great pride in the level of care we give to each and every pet that stays with us, and we make it our mission to offer them a comfortable home away from home.