What Is Kennel Cough?

A constant sniffle or a tickly throat can be a common occurrence for many of us, and while it rarely turns into a serious condition, it seems to take a while to completely disappear. This is often a different story for animals, where the start of a cough can lead to more serious health issues if not suitably treated early on.

In particular, dog-owners need to keep a close eye on their pet to ensure they deal with any signs of a cough quickly and efficiently. This article will serve to explain what a kennel cough is and what symptoms to look out for in your dog. It will also describe the best possible treatment to clear the infection and how it can be prevented to avoid future recurrences.

Behind the name

Contrary to its name, a kennel cough is not an infection exclusive to the kennel environment – it is simply named as such because the infection can spread quickly among dogs that are in close contact with each other, such as the close proximity of a kennel. This is a very treatable disease if caught early, so be sure to stay vigilant to the symptoms of kennel cough and take action as soon as these signs become apparent.

The symptoms

Look out for a persistent dry cough, and often coughing which is bad enough to cause the dog to vomit, especially if they have just consumed a meal. If you do notice your dog coughing, make sure you take them to a vet as soon as possible to ensure it does not develop further.

Bacterial and viral infections are the primary causes of kennel cough, so if your dog is diagnosed with kennel cough by your vet, they may be prescribed a course of antibiotics which work well in fighting the disease.


The dosage of the antibiotics will depend on your dogs’ size and weight, so make sure you always follow your vets’ advice on administering the medication to ensure a swift recovery. You will notice an improvement in your dog within 10 days but as this is a highly contagious disease, it can still be spread for anything up to 10 weeks after coughing has ceased. Therefore, it is vitally important to thoroughly clean all their toys and bedding and clean up any phlegm immediately. It is also worth noting that if you have more than one dog, you must advise your vet during your visit.


Following the treatment and when you think your dog has fully recovered, make sure you take your pet back to the vets for a check-up appointment to ensure the infection has completely cleared for total peace of mind. During this follow-up visit, it is worth enquiring about a kennel cough vaccination to prevent any future recurrence of the infection. This is an additional vaccination to the annual booster injection which is given via the nose by your vet and will last from 6 months to a year.

Kennel cough is easily treatable if caught early-on, which is why it can’t be stressed enough how important it is to act quickly once you detect a cough. Here at Jaycliffe Kennels and Cattery, we offer clean and comfortable kennel and cattery facilities for the temporary care of pets throughout Rotherham, Doncaster, Sheffield and the surrounding areas. We only house dogs from the same family together, so you can rest assured that there is no risk of disease from other animals. We also have a trusted vet on call should we urgently need one to attend the premises.


Our team of experts are fully qualified in providing professional care for your beloved pets, ensuring total safety and affection for peace of mind. Simply give us a ring or get in touch online today for further information about any of the service we offer!